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Welcome to Integrated Child Development Services, Rajasthan

Under the Integrated Services Program in Rajasthan, to improve the nutritional and health status of the children of the state, to prepare the basis for proper psychological, physical and social development of the children, in the rate of child mortality, morbidity, malnutrition and drop out of school. Anganwadi centers are being operated to reduce deficiency, to establish effective coordination between the departments concerned to promote child development and to train mothers to meet the general health and nutritional needs of children through nutrition and health education. Raj-Poshan software has been developed in collaboration with NIC for the successful operation, monitoring and monitoring of this program. By this, honorarium payment and other types of payment will be ensured on time and it will be monitored.

Integrated Child Development Services, Statistics




AW Worker

AW Mini Worker


Mukhya Mantri Matritva Poshan Yojana (MMMPY), Statistics

Data From PCTS

Eligible Beneficiary

Total Sanction

Cancelled Sanction

Total Paid Amount

Total Paid Beneficiary

Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY, Rajasthan), Statistics

Eligible Beneficiaries

Installment Pending for Admin Sanction

Admin Sanctions Generated

Installment Pending for Financial Sanction

Financial Sanctions Generated

Total Paid Installments

I am Shakti Udaan, Statistics




Registered Beneficiary

Rejected Beneficiary

Demand Raised

Food Beneficiary, Statistics